Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shadow on the Planet Lemon

Shadow was thrown a bag of lemons -- maybe something worse. She was an only cat, happy in her home with her human, Chris. Shadow had never been outside. Her birth mother, whom she left when she was barely three months old, was the only other cat she'd ever seen. And she'd never encountered a dog.
But over time, Chris aged and needed to move into a senior living complex that didn't allow animals. Shadow, now 14 years old -- an elder by anyone's definition – couldn’t go along and had nowhere else to go. Chris was actually having to consider the worst possible alternative. Word went out through the local humane society that Shadow needed a new home -- and quickly!
Meanwhile, Maggie, who was looking for a cat – preferably anelder like herself, heard about Shadow and called to take her. When Chris delivered her beloved pet, she knew -- but Shadow didn't-- that this new home included several dogs and another cat. Everyone understood it would be scary for Shadow and that she might not be able to adjust.
But slowly, she began to prove she was one tough feline, capable of surviving and even thriving in this new solar system of lemons. Sure she grieved, spending the first several months safely nestled in a basket on a high counter, and she’ll be the first to tell youthat dogs are absolutely not her favorite people. But once she realized that she was going to be okay, she began to roam the house, make friends with the other animals and exhibit the personality that so charmed her mother.
A year has passed and Shadow continues to do well. She likes to stay close to Maggie at all times, sitting with her at the computer. Or to lie on the windowsill watching birds and squirrels in the front trees or perch on the refrigerator to make sure everyone is doing what they should. She curls up with Maggie in bed, which is especially appreciated on cool winter nights. She also continues to stay in touch with Chris, writing regular notes and sending pictures.
Shadow landed on Planet Lemon, a stranger in a strange and scary land. She had been taken totally out of her element and thrown into a new reality through no fault of her own and no way to understand what was happening. But she has not only adjusted, but thrived.
If life has blasted you into new and frightening circumstances that are chaotic and incomprehensible, you may feel a lot like Shadow. I know I sometimes do, especially in the limbo between the "What’s happened?” and “This is my new normal” stages. The basket on the tall cabinet begins to look pretty appealing. Then I look at this little gray-and-white cat who’s dealt with having her world turned upside down and realize that I can do at least as well.I can talk, listen and learn. Hopefully, I can understand, cope and overcome.

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